Commitment and know-how at Corimatec
Certified quality and shared values
At Corimatec, we place quality, innovation and human values at the heart of our approach.
ISO 9001 certified since 2010, we guarantee reliable technical solutions tailored to our customers' needs. Our commitment goes beyond industry standards: it's part of a sustainable vision that integrates safety, employee well-being and respect for the environment.
Through optimized waste management, the use of solar panels and concrete actions to reduce our carbon footprint, Corimatec reaffirms its responsibility towards its stakeholders and the environment.

Our values
Our values are those of hard work and shared responsibility, upheld by all our staff. Our aim is to perpetuate our DNA:
supporting our customers on all or part of their value chain.
With this in mind, we regularly invest in new resources, new technologies and employee training.
To guarantee customer satisfaction, management ensures that all employees receive the information they need to do their jobs properly, as well as information on company strategy.
Our quality commitments
CORIMATEC's management is committed to ensuring that customer requirements are met, and has put in place the resources needed to implement a quality system that complies with all ISO 9001-2015 requirements for the "design and manufacture of electroforming or composite tooling and accessories. Design and manufacture of electroforming parts".
Our quality objectives are to improve delivery times and reduce our level of non-quality; both of these objectives can be achieved by identifying the causes of our problems and tackling them at root.
Finally, our aim is to make the most of CORIMATEC's technological bricks by developing sales and innovation.

CORIMATEC is certified ISO 9001 since 2010

Our safety commitments
and environment
Our vision of tomorrow's company serves as a guideline for our environmental policy. Waste management is constantly optimized with certified service providers whose mission is to maximize the value of the waste produced. All our waste is sorted and directed towards the appropriate reprocessing channels. We are constantly striving to reduce waste.
Our facilities are classified as Installations Classées Pour l'Environnement (I.C.P.E) and are subject to regular checks on their emissions into the air, water and soil.
We have installed 800 m² of photovoltaic panels on our new buildings.
"Success belongs to everyone, and everyone deserves the credit" F. Piccard.
We are convinced that the success of our company depends essentially on the men and women who make up our team. That's why it's important for everyone at every level of our organization to be able to work in pleasant, safe and environmentally-friendly conditions.
The safety and well-being of our employees is therefore at the heart of our management's concerns, because over and above regulatory constraints, we want to ensure a working environment where everyone can enjoy contributing to the company's success by minimizing work-related risks.